Sunday, July 20, 2014

Profile of a con man.

John Kraetsch's con game.
    John Kraetsch learned how to extort using a home computer
    from a prison inmate from
    sturtevant, near racine,wisconsin.
    At 2052 franklin st. racine,wisconsin.
    there are several female celebrities and four billionaires.
    John kraetsch has extorted well over a million dollars i think,
    in the past two years.
    The game he is playing is extortion, bribery, and possibly murder.
    1. extortion is simple.
       he will use other people's names to extort almost everyone that
       he knows, including local merchants, military bases, out of
       state banks and foreign countries.
    2. bribery is done by dustin moskovitz, and sometimes bill gates.
       they will bribe a lady judge by name of emily mueller, and
       she will bring false charges against other people,etc.
    3. possible murder.
        It used to be mafia hit men boys, but recently, he has been
       shooting vet boys sent to the house by vfw 1391.
       when the vet boys are ready to go home, or report back to base,
       john kraetsch will plan to shoot and kill them when no one is
       around. I think that the true reason is to cover up an elaborate
       extortion scam, and past murders that may have happened there.
       i think that vfw 1391 may be on the verge of suing john kraetsch
       for death of boys they sent there.

      Recently, he has shifted the blame of this game, to dr. lee and
      dr. kim family.
       I suspect that he got their numbers through a stolen phone book
       stolen from norman dreamer's garbage can a year or two ago.
       He has been " extraditing" these two family of doctors, making
       false claims to emily mueller the judge, who has been bribed
        and banged many times.
        The whole scenario begins when john kraetsch extorts a "mafia"
        account, a syrian bank, or an iranian bank.
        These people will often come to the house to recover their money
        and possibly kill john kraetsch.
        vfw 1391 is called for more boys to cover the situation.
         they reluctantly send one boy, knowing that they may get shot
         and killed there.
         JOhn kraetsch may have connections with the mafia and some
         cocaine dealers, where he may order marijuana, or cocaine,etc.
         The whole story centers around paris hilton berggruen and
         some of the other female celebrities there for "gang bang war"
         that has been going on for over five years.
         Richard hilton, paris's father often gets called to stop any
         any investigation going on with the racine police department
         or the fbi.
         president yobama has been known to grant immunity or amnesty
         to john kraetsch, almost giving him a license to extort,
         bribe and murder without ending up in jail.
         past arrainments and investigations have been canceled many
          times and john kraetch never went to jail.
          He also has been known to have connections with the pentagon.
           They will send him iranian papers and syrian papers, etc.
          Which are pictures of missile sites in the middle east region.
          john kraetsch will often sell these to the foreigners for
          John kraetsch will also stalk female celebrities, promising
           them a million dollars over the phone for their bank account
            number. once he gets the number, the extortion begins,etc.
          JOhn kraetsch has had several lobotomies done by a doctor
          from vfw 1391. he also has a fake dick, sewed on from dead bodies
          There was a "cerebellum scam" a while ago, where mafia boys were
           being killed for cerebellum, a part of the brain
           which is used for lobotomies,to keep john kraetsch alive,etc.
           the story continues at 2052 franklin, racine,wisconsin.
           it is basically extortion, bribery, and possibly murder.
           There is a political tinge to it,however.
           many politicians including the governor, mayor, and people
           like chris christie, and mitt romney have been known to
            have been there,etc.
           The reason that john kraetch is not in jail yet, is because
           he has many connections and four billionaires to back them
            he is a very professional extortionist and a conman, making
            it seem like someone else did it, and an expert and setting
             up situation to make it seem like someone else did it.
            john kraetsch used to be a three star general in the us
             army in the iraquian war. rumors among vet say that he shot
            an iraquian women at blank range, and he was discharged
            about five and a half years ago. He has been known to work
            as a loan officer at johnson bank an while back.
            These days, he makes most of his money from extortions,etc.
            he has been known to extort va( veterans benefits)
            and he is quite a con
            when it comes to identity theft,etc.
            I think that most of this happens over a eight line phone
             machine borrowed from vfw 1391. I think that there may be
             a casket in the basement of the house.
             The end.

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